New Classes

We are very pleased to bring mindfulness classes to Body of Work. Introducing Diana Rickman who has a wealth of knowledge and experience in teaching mindfulness and stress reducing exercises. We will be holding two types of classes on a Friday, the first is specifically for mother’s and babies and the second is available to anyone wanting to learn this skill to reduce stress or anxiety.

The first of these will be ‘taster sessions’ held on Friday 8th November these will be just a gold coin donation to attend but booking is essential as spaces are limited.

Creating Calm, Nurturing Joy - Mother and Baby Mindfulness practice

Easy ways to feel calm and relaxed through simple practices, techniques and games you can enjoy together. Wonderful for helping to soothe baby and a gorgeous way to connect and deepen your relationship.

4 weeks of classes starting Friday 22nd November and ending 13th December at 10am - 10.45am (bring baby with you)
Cost is $60 for 4 sessions or $20 for a single session

Time for Me - Lunchtime Mindfulness

A wonderful way to end the working week. Our lunchtime mindfulness classes offer a retreat from the Friday rush. Start or develop your mindfulness practice. Easy meditation and techniques all designed to help you feel calm, confident and ready for anything.

4 weeks of classes starting Friday 22nd November and ending 13th December at 12-12.45pm
Cost is $60 for 4 sessions or $20 for a single session

About Diana:

Over the years, I’ve developed a reputation as a gentle, supportive and intuitive practitioner, who still delivers that ‘kick in the pants’ - otherwise known as a giant shift in mindset. By listening mindfully to what’s deeply hidden I’ve helped my clients to see past their words and into their hearts. To safely explore their beliefs and fears and express them. To give them the tools to use in going forward. I’m able to do this because I teach what I know. I teach what I’ve personally done to grow my own confidence and manage my stress and anxiety. I share practices and techniques that don’t rely on hours of work or complicated rituals.
I understand how difficult it is to start and how easy it is to tell yourself “This won’t work for me”

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