Group Pilates sessions

$28 per 45-minute casual session / $255 per 10-trip

Classical mat Pilates. Level One is for people new to Pilates or who have conditions that restrict Level Two participation.

Pilates for Golf

$28 per 45-minute casual session / $255 per 10-trip

Want to improve your game and move efficiently and effectively… then this is for you.  Learn how to correct posture, improve rotation, activate your core,  and prevent ‘golfing’ injuries.

Group Pilates Timetable

Open to anyone attending Insite Therapy






10.00am* (Pilates for Golf)
(Private Hypermobility)


  • Group Pilates Sessions (open to anyone attending Insite Therapy)

  • All sessions duration: 45 mins.

  • Mats are provided.

  •  *A minimum of four required / **A minimum of three required

Private Group Pilates and Integrated Sessions

Duo — $90
Trio — $95
Four to eight — price dependent upon number attending
Hypermobility (Integrated Session) — $35 per person, minimum of three, maximum of six

Enjoy Pilates or a Movement Session with friends or family, a great way to all start together.  The principles of Pilates are timeless, perfect for correcting maladapted postures, enhancing healthy ageing, and treating musculoskeletal conditions. All sessions are designed around the needs of those attending. Assessment of each attendee is a pre-requisite.

* Mats are supplied